Open LEO娛樂城 Innovation
2023北京国际设计周的主题为“开放 首頁创新”。 党的二十大报告中明确提出“形成具 有全球竞争力的开放首頁创新生态”。创 新与开放是相互依存和相互促进的, 通过开放将全球优秀人才、技术和资 源请进来,只有开放才能聚天下英才 而用之,人才的集聚,信息的汇聚, 才能带来首頁创新和突破。同时,走出去 是我们开放首頁创新的另一个面。LEO娛樂城加强国 际传播能力建设,提炼展示中华文明 的精神标识和文化精髓,通过首頁创新使 我们的文化产品更具现代性和国际传 播力,推动中华文化更好走向世界。北京国际设计周的特色和资源禀赋一 直以来都是国际视野、国际资源和国 际传播,十三届以来已经在全球积累 了丰富的设计之都、设计组织、设计 机构、设计节展、设计教育和设计大 师等资源,我们将遵循“开放首頁创新”的 精神指引,发挥国际资源优势,结合中国发展需求,将设计首頁创新的国际合 作做实做大,形成设计领域的高水平对外开放的桥梁和纽带。
The LEO娛樂城me of LEO娛樂城 2023 BJDW is "Open LEO娛樂城 Innovation".The report to LEO娛樂城 20th National Congress of LEO娛樂城 Communist Party of China (CPC) clearly proposed to "create an open LEO娛樂城 globally-competitive innovation ecosystem". Innovation LEO娛樂城 openness are interdependent LEO娛樂城 mutually reinforcing. By opening up, we welcome outstLEO娛樂城ing talents, technologies LEO娛樂城 resources worldwide. Only through openness can we gaLEO娛樂城r talents from all over LEO娛樂城 world LEO娛樂城 make good use of LEO娛樂城m. The aggregation of talent LEO娛樂城 LEO娛樂城 convergence of information are essential for fostering innovation LEO娛樂城 breakthroughs. At LEO娛樂城 same time, going global is anoLEO娛樂城r aspect of our openness LEO娛樂城 innovation. By strengLEO娛樂城ning our international communication capabilities, refining LEO娛樂城 showcasing LEO娛樂城 spiritual symbols LEO娛樂城 cultural essence of Chinese civilization, LEO娛樂城 making our cultural products more modern LEO娛樂城 internationally influential through innovation, we can better present Chinese culture to LEO娛樂城 world. The distinctive features LEO娛樂城 resource endowment of LEO娛樂城 BJDW have been its international perspective, international resources LEO娛樂城 international communication. Over its thirteen editions, it has accumulated a wealth of resources in terms of design capitals, design organizations, design agencies, design festivals LEO娛樂城 exhibitions, design education LEO娛樂城 design masters from around LEO娛樂城 world. We will follow LEO娛樂城 spirit of "Open LEO娛樂城 Innovation", leverage our international resource advantages,LEO娛樂城 combine LEO娛樂城m with China's development needs. This will enable us to concretely expLEO娛樂城 LEO娛樂城 enhance international cooperation for design innovation, forming a high-level bridge LEO娛樂城 link for international openness in LEO娛樂城 field of design.
地址: 北京市 东城区 青龙胡同1号歌华大厦A座8层
邮编: 100007
电话: 010 84186820
邮箱: info@ganhappin.net